COULD I ask if anyone else is concerned about the condition of a main road into Cowdenbeath.

Bridge Street is getting worse and worse and I wonder if the council people are just ignoring it.

This is the main road into the town from the south side, which includes the A92, and what a welcome it is to Cowdenbeath, as you wonder how you are going to doge the various potholes of all types as you head towards High Street.

It is no surprise that it is a mess as it is a very busy road, but the maintenance of it has fallen below required standards, it would seem, as some of the holes have got rather pronounced.

I cannot understand why this has not been tackled as it is indeed, one of the busiest roads in Cowdenbeath.

It it not the best way people can be encouraged to come back to the town though by bumping along the road surface.

Hopefully the roads department will be sympathetic to my points.


Stenhouse Street,


The Cowdenbeath Area Committee heard at their last meeting that Bridge Street is listed for an upgrade with £125,000 to be spent it but it has a Category 2 status which means that it will be tackled later this year. The Ed.