I AM writing to let Central Fife Times readers know about some shocking statistics from a new survey released by Pancreatic Cancer Action.

Headline stats include: 73% of Scotland cannot name one single symptom of pancreatic cancer; 67% couldn’t name one risk factor; 55% know almost nothing about the disease.

Awareness of pancreatic cancer is vital as incidence is increasing and you are 5 times more likely to die form pancreatic cancer than in a road accident. Survival is possible with early diagnosis and we are urging the public to be more aware of the symptoms as there is no screening for pancreatic cancer- despite 51% people thinking there is!

The pancreas is an essential organ responsible for producing enzymes that help break down your food and hormones which control your blood sugar levels.

Pancreatic cancer occurs when a tumour forms in the pancreas and currently, there is no early detection (screening) test for the disease.

Despite having a shockingly low survival rate, it is possible to survive pancreatic cancer: if a patient is diagnosed early and able to have surgery, 5-year survival increases from less than 7% to around 30%. Knowing the symptoms and risk factors associated with pancreatic cancer can help increase early diagnosis and save lives.

This Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, Pancreatic Cancer Action is urging the public to be more aware of the signs and symptoms and to see their GP if they are experiencing one or more of the following: Upper abdominal pain or discomfort; Mid-back pain; Persistent indigestion that doesn’t go away with medication; Unexplained weight loss; Pale and smelly stools; Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, known as jaundice. If you notice this symptom, you should seek urgent medical assistance.

Of all the major cancers, pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rates and these numbers have barely changed in the last 5 decades.

Pancreatic Cancer Scotland (PCS) have recently launched the Pan Can Clan to bring together a growing and inspiring community of people committed to the cause and support the vision to make the 2020’s the decade of change for Pancreatic Cancer.


Marketing and PR Executive,

Pancreatic Cancer Action.