I WAS pleased to see that the Fife Council spokesperson commenting on the flooding in Mossbank said that they were going to ensure that the drains would be properly cleaned out.

While it is a strange sort of scenario in that there is a steep slope that runs down from Hillcrest running down into Mossbank, it seemed that the new drainage system put in a few years back had it under control.

It has to be said that the rainstorms that led to the problems Mr Thomson and his neighbours were indeed really heavy but the road to be under inches of water was highly strange.

It could be that the incidents have brought the matter to a head and the drainage folk will ensure they make sure that special features that were installed in the street to seal with the special issues posed will be in full workable order.

Mr Thomson deserves credit for the way that he has brought this to a head for it has ensured that the problem will be sorted and he should not have to worry too much in downpours.


Dalbeath Crescent,
