I AM very pleased that Douglas Chapman is championing the cause of the ferries that used to run from Rosyth.

It was a vehicle my wife and I took regularly when these were running from there to enjoy trips to the low countries and I must say we have both missed them over the past few years.

Mr Chapman certainly feels that with all the concerns over Brexit that having some way of avoiding the south of England ports being the only way to get to Europe would be beneficial to Scottish businesses.

That could well be the case but I am sure that many folk would love to see the service back in some shape or form because of the problems there are getting easy non flight access to the continent.

From what Mr Chapman says there are a many people across the political spectrum supporting him so it could be that maybe he could be successful.

With all the carrying on continues with Brexit it would be better to have something reliable in place to ensure that you can get across to the continent without having to head south so all strength to you sir.


Leuchatsbeath Drive,
