WHAT About it? What about the answers to questions asked by A Mason in previous issues?

So far no reply has been published in the Times other than being invited to a meeting, which like me, they are unable to attend.

I give monetary support for the Lochgelly Gala through collection boxes and would like to know how the funds are spent?

The meeting A Mason was invited to was at the 385 Lounge in North Street, have they been charging for use of the premises or taking fund money for a fee?

Why have the gala committee not published answers to A Mason's points, I am sure the community would like to know.

Surely the Times is where all queries should be answered.

I am not happy or satisfied by a lack of response from the committee as I know several members of the public are also waiting for a reply.

Maybe a lack of response is why few don't want to volunteer to help.

Please answer for those unable to attend meetings, for whatever reasons.

Sorry I personally do not want to go to the 385, that is just my my view.

