THE volunteers who make Cardenden Community Bonfire happen deserve the utmost praise for the event which took place in Wallsgreen Park.

It went so very well and while there might not have been the vast numbers of previous years there had to be well over 3,000 people there.

Again it attracted people from all over the Central Fife area and the fireworks’ quality was really top grade.

Maybe we were a little lucky with the weather because it did rain just after the display but what a great night it was.

£7,000 is a large amount of money to stage the event but it is something that by all sorts of fundraising means they managed.

However, I hope that the bucket collections were good because it a couple of thousand pounds were to be realised through that way it would help give the volunteers a base to work from for next year.

I just cannot quite understand why people would not put money in a bucket for every pound put in helps guarantee that the Cardenden Community Bonfire will take place again next year.

Every penny counts for the volunteers and there will be few who would not agree that they deserve the support.

I noticed that there were some problems with kids coming from Kirkcaldy and suggesting on social media that they could cause problems but mercifully there was nothing in the park.

So I hope that the volunteers keep going and ensure that Cardenden has another fireworks display in 2019. It has been a huge success for over two 20 years and it is looked forward to by thousands of folk.


Hyndloup Terrace,
