A Cowdenbeath man ignored a court order protecting his former partner by approaching her in a shop.

As a result, 37-year-old Gordon Davey, of Rae Street, was back in the dock at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that having been made subject to a non-harassment order, on 11th November at the USave store, Broad Street, Cowdenbeath, he approached his former partner in the shop.

Depute fiscal Isma Mukhtar said that at around 3pm the woman was in the store when Davey walked in. He picked up bottles of alcohol then stood directly behind her at her shoulder.

She left the shop and contacted the police.

Defence solicitor Stephen Morrison said: “He takes full responsibility. He’d been drinking and went to the shop to buy more drink. He’s embarrassed by his actions.”

The court heard Davey is already on a community payback order.

Sheriff Susan Duff imposed another community payback with 100 hours of unpaid work.

In August, Davey was sentenced for an incident where he kicked the woman’s front door, forced entry to a house and then poured a bottle of alcohol over her while she was holding a baby.

On that occasion, he was put on community payback order with 12 months of supervision and 125 hours of unpaid work. He was also put on the three-year non-harassment order which he breached.