TEMPORARY potholes repairs have been so shoddy that they've failed within two days.

That's the claim from Councillor Rosemary Liewald who said the short term fix is giving very short term benefit to local residents.

On the same topic an SNP colleague pointed out that potholes identified in Kelty last summer still haven't been fixed.

Cllr Liewald said: "The experience of residents within my ward is that those temporary repairs can break up within as little as 48 hours.

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"What investigation is the service engaging in to make them last longer so our roads can be safer and reduce the damage caused to vehicles?"

Central Fife Times: Potholes that were identified in Kelty last summer have still not been repaired, according to a local councillor. Potholes that were identified in Kelty last summer have still not been repaired, according to a local councillor. (Image: Newsquest)

At the full council meeting, she had asked about the expected lifespan of temporary road repairs.

Transportation spokesperson Cllr Altany Craik responded: "Temporary repairs are intended to prevent further deterioration until a permanent solution is planned.

"It can last weeks or months, however there is no definitive answer to the question due to many factors such as weather, traffic flow, volumes and the supporting road condition.

"I suppose it's how long is a piece of string, sadly."

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He said he would ask the service about monitoring of repairs and continued: "It's a perennial problem I'm afraid with temporary repairs that sometimes they fail and sometimes they fail for all sorts of reasons.

"I suppose it comes back to the policy we have to plan our works so we get more efficiency out of it and get them fixed right first time and they stay fixed.

"Unfortunately with temporary repairs that doesn't always seem to be the case.

"It's an issue we're aware of and will be trying to make improvements on."

In response to a question from Cllr Bailey-Lee Robb, he said that 2,956 category three road defects were reported in 2023-24 and 2,141 - or 72 per cent - were repaired within the three month response target.

He added that the quantity of repairs completed was up by 15 per cent and about 67,000 square metres of carriageway was patched which was also up from the previous year by around 20 per cent.

Cllr Robb said: "I've highlighted countless category three potholes in Kelty that have gone as far back as August and I've now found some from as far back as July in my ward.

"Will he commit to clearing the backlog as soon as possible and keeping members informed of progress?"

Cllr Craik said he would.