A Lochore fitness instructor completed 600 burpees in one hour to raise money for a youngster with a brain tumour.

Former footballer Roy Gray, 59, set himself the task to help raise funds for Sean McAllister, a 10-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour.

To reach his target, he had to do 10 burpees a minute.

Roy, who used to play for Cowdenbeath in the 1980s, said that he was “just trying to get funds for him to go to France to prolong his life a little bit longer".

“I just wanted to help the young boy out. I don’t know him personally, but I did it through a friend of a friend and presented it to him.”

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He managed to raise a total of £2001 with his 600 burpees. “I am 60 next year, I have been into sport all my life.”

Roy played football professionally for the Blue Brazil but became his mum’s full-time carer after she had a stroke. Later he started going to the gym and began offering classes two years ago.

But Roy has set himself a new challenge, he said: “My next challenge is 900 burpees in the hour, 15 a minute!”