A 27-year-old woman has been fined for assaulting another female.

Brogan Watson, of Lapwing Drive, Dunfermline, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

She admitted that on September 14, at Terris Place, Cowdenbeath, she assaulted a female by repeatedly striking her to the head and body.

Depute fiscal Brogan Moffat said police had been called to a report of a fight.

When officers arrived, there was no fight taking place but a witness said they had seen it occurring shortly before.

The witness said the victim had been knocked to the ground and kicked four times.

The police checked CCTV cameras in the area which captured the incident.

Defence solicitor Alan Davie said: “It started off as a fight but she accepts she overstepped the mark.”

Sheriff Clair McLachlan, imposing a £320 fine, told Watson: “This was a fairly unpleasant incident. You’ll have to deal with matters without resorting to violence.”