A woman was punched and kicked by her husband during a drunken domestic incident in Lochore.

The assailant was 49-year-old Darren Stephen, now living in Dunfermline.

He appeared back at Dunfermline Sheriff Court for sentencing having admitted offences committed on May 8 last year at an address in Lochore.

He assaulted his wife by pushing her, causing her to strike her head against a wall and fall to the floor where he kicked her and punched her on the body.

He repeatedly forced open a door, causing her to fall to the floor whereby he kicked her and poured a liquid over her, to her injury.

He repeatedly shouted and swore at her, repeatedly made offensive comments and threw various objects about the room.

The court was told the couple had been drinking together from 4pm and later Stephen was seen in his garden shouting and swearing which continued “for several hours”.

At around 10pm he went into the living room and began arguing with his wife, which escalated into him calling her offensive names then assaulting her.

Sheriff Garry Sutherland previously described Stephen’s actions as “very unsavoury behaviour fuelled by alcohol”.

Stephen had been put on a structured deferred sentence. Having completed it, he returned to court and was ordered to pay £250 compensation to his former partner by Sheriff Allan Findlay.