An MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife has expressed her deep concern at recent ambulance statistics that show that in Fife some of the most critically ill patients have had to wait over 20 minutes for an ambulance.

Roz McCall MSP is “outraged” that the most seriously ill patients in Fife are having to wait so long for an ambulance when the target time is eight minutes.

“It is scandalous that patients fighting for their lives can’t count on getting an ambulance in their hour of need," she said.

Central Fife Times: Roz McCall has expressed concerns over waiting times for ambulances in Fife.Roz McCall has expressed concerns over waiting times for ambulances in Fife. (Image: Contributed)

“Dedicated frontline staff in our NHS are working relentlessly to keep patients safe, but they are being failed by this SNP government.

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“The truth of the matter is this crisis is putting lives at risk, and this is not acceptable.

“After my husband’s stroke, I know how important it is that critically ill patients get an ambulance as quickly as possible, which is why I feel so strongly about this issue.

“Fifers deserve better than this and I will continue to fight for them.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Patient safety is our top priority. The Scottish Ambulance Service continues to maintain a fast response to our most critically unwell patients.

"The Scottish Ambulance Service diverts cases away from A&E by safely triaging patients within their community wherever possible.

“Through our Urgent and Unscheduled Care Collaborative Programme, Scotland’s Health Boards are taking action to improve patient flow and reduce delays by improving urgent care pathways in the community and optimising the use of early and effective triage, rapid decision-making and streaming to assessment areas.

“We are also working with Health Boards and the Scottish Ambulance Service to implement new ‘Handover Principles’, to help ensure the safe and timeous handover of patients at hospital, which will free up more ambulances quicker.”