THE Scottish Labour candidate for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath has been replaced following an investigation into social media posts she liked and shared.

Wilma Brown will no longer stand in the forthcoming general election and has been replaced by Melanie Ward, the CEO of Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Ms Brown was not accused of posting controversial materials, but was seen to like and share a number of posts criticising former First Minister Humza Yousaf and the Scottish Government’s stance on gender recognition.

The social media activity from an account in the trade union activist’s name first came to light last month.

She was suspended while an investigation was carried out.

Ms Brown has now been replaced by Ms Ward, a long-time member of Scottish Labour and recently named as one of Time Magazine’s top 100 most influential people in global health.

She was recognised for her humanitarian efforts as a result of her work with the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Across just two days her team distributed medical supplies worth more than $500,000 to Palestinians.

The group also provided food, hygiene kits, blankets, mattresses and around $7 million in medical supplies.

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Ms Ward is based in London and the SNP accused their opponents of not being able to find locals to run for the seat and "parachuting in paper candidates".

Scottish Labour pointed to Ms Ward’s previous attempt to be elected for the party, in Glenrothes in 2015. She lost out to the SNP’s Peter Grant.

A spokesperson went on: “Every Labour candidate is united around our plan to deliver the change Scotland needs – from more jobs to lowering bills and strengthening Scotland’s position in a reformed and renewed United Kingdom."

Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath is one of Labour's top target seats in Scotland.

It is currently held by Alba MP Neale Hanvey, who won the seat in 2019.

Ahead of that election he was dropped by the SNP after allegations of anti-Semitism were made against him.

He later joined the Alba Party.