A TAXI driver has been reported to the police for "inappropriate conduct" while another "may have facilitated shoplifters" by driving them away from the scene.

The details were contained in a report by Fife Council's licensing enforcement officer who looked into 31 complaints and enquiries in the Kingdom between October 1 and December 31 last year.

Two taxi drivers were issued with written warnings and another was given a verbal warning.

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The officer, Craig Ritchie, told the regulation and licensing committee: "One driver has been accused of inappropriate conduct in the taxi and the matter has also been reported to the police with an investigation ongoing.

"The warning has been issued pending the outcome of the police investigation."

Central Fife Times: The licensing enforcement details were contained in a Fife Council report.The licensing enforcement details were contained in a Fife Council report. (Image: Fife Council)

The other written warning went to a private hire car driver who had parked in a taxi rank to pick up a hire - he claimed to be "unaware" of the rank rules.

The verbal warning was issued to a vehicle operator who allowed the MOT on one of their fleet of taxis to expire, which was put down to an administration error.

Mr Ritchie's enquiries covered complaints, suspected non-compliance with licence conditions, requests for assistance with applications and other licensing issues.

They related to late hours catering, a market operator, second hand dealers, skin piercing and tattoo artists, taxi drivers and vehicle operators.

A number of complaints were unfounded or withdrawn.

Advice was given in nine cases, including to a taxi driver who "may have facilitated shoplifters leaving the scene after committing theft" and a local businessman on the licensing requirements for selling swords and knives.

A complainer was also given advice about noise nuisance from a late hours catering premises.

Mr Ritchie also took part in spot checks on various licensing activities with one taxi driver sent off the rank for not having their ID badge and for wearing a tracksuit, which is against the dress code.

Three cabbies were also ticked off for the "dirty" state of their vehicle.