Beath High School is continuing to strengthen its links with Malawi.

Recently retired Beath teacher, Ian Mitchell, who is still closely involved with the Beath-Malawi Partnership, told Cowdenbeath Rotary Club members that he had been lucky to have the opportunity to visit the East African country three times, to work with staff and pupils at Mpanga and Njale schools.

Speaking at the club's meeting on Thursday, Ian said: “The Beath-Malawi Partnership has seen the Cowdenbeath school and the two Malawi schools, build up strong relationships over the past decade and it is continuing to flourish.

“Currently Beath is providing scholarships for nine pupils to attend secondary school, as while primary education in Malawi is free to all, secondary education has cost implications which many families struggle to meet.

“These scholarships have also included some deaf pupils be able to attain secondary education, which is very encouraging.”

Ian added that the Beath community was currently gathering football boots and strips to send to Malawi, to see a girls football team created at one of the schools.

He also reported that a visit from Beath pupils and teachers to Mpanga and Njale schools was planned for June 2025.