TEAM work is paying off for Cowdenbeath Rotary Club’s initiative to help Lochgelly woman, Minnie Simpson, knit blankets which will be of used by people in war-torn Ukraine during the winter months.

Minnie knits every day, even at the age of 91, and already many of her blankets have been sent to Ukraine.

But Minnie was worried that she would run out of wool, and that was where the Rotarians stepped in.

They put out an appeal for members of the public to contribute any spare wool they might have and they were stunned by the reaction, with Lee Rankin, Dawn Covaci and Sandra Neill making major donations.

Central Fife Times: Lee Rankin gets his special certificate.Lee Rankin gets his special certificate. (Image: Cowdenbeath Rotary)

At Thursday’s meeting Minnie was one of the guests and she was joined by Lee Rankin.

Club president, John Gilfillan, said: “The support of Dawn, Sandra and Lee has been outstanding and Minnie has been continuing turn out an amazing number of blankets, which are very much needed in the middle of the Ukrainian winter.

“We felt it only right to say thank-you to Minnie for her efforts, and present special certificates to Lee, Dawn and Sandra, marking their contribution to this initiative.”