A Lochgelly man sent indecent emails and caused a disturbance with police officers.

Craig Vause, 46, of Grainger Street, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that between November 29 and December 6, 2021, at his home he repeatedly sent emails that were of an indecent, offensive and sexual nature.

He also admitted that on August 4 last year at his home he adopted an aggressive demeanour towards two police officers, swore, made derogatory remarks, threw clothes and boxes on to a road, blocking access and failed to desist.

Defence solicitor Amy Harley said there was a “sad history” to the case.

“He has no real explanation for his actions and appreciates they were inappropriate," she said. "He was going through difficult circumstances.”

Sheriff Garry Sutherland fined Vause £740.