LOCHGELLY High School pupils, Ryan Rafferty and Kian Hain, believe their experience at the Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp will play an important role as they prepare for their future lives.

Ryan, an S5 pupil, and Kian, S6, were selected by Cowdenbeath Rotary Club to head for the outward bound camp, at Abernethy, during the summer school break, and both admitted they were very nervous when they headed to Perthshire in July.

The duo presented a report on their experiences to Thursday’s meeting of the rotary club and Kian said: “I had never been involved in anything like RYLA so when I boarded the bus to Abernethy, not knowing anyone, I was concerned.”

Ryan admitted that he was in the same boat, but added: “Within a few hours the ice was broken and I realised that everyone there was looking forward to learning some new skills, and a meeting with some of our mentors began to build my confidence.”

The duo reported that they were placed in activity groups, and soon found themselves taking part in physically exacting challenges.

“These included gorge walking and abseiling, which were exciting experiences,” added Ryan.

And Kian went on: "Rock climbing was very interesting, while mountain biking challenged our fitness levels a lot and building a raft taught us the important of team skills.”

They underlined that they made lifelong friends during the trip, and since then they have kept in touch through social media.

Kian hopes to become a medical researcher, when he leaves school, while Ryan plans to go into sports coaching, and they felt that the RYLA experience will help them develop their aims.

Concluded Kian: “I loved the help we received from the mentors, and working as part of a team, was so rewarding, as was having the opportunity to lead my group.”

Added Ryan: “The skills I learned, and relationships I developed, plus the confidence I gained will be invaluable looking ahead.”