Cowdenbeath Rotary’s 100th birthday was warmly celebrated on Friday night, when 114 people gathered from all over the county and beyond at the club's Wee Jimmies base in the town.

And the event not only saw the centenary celebrated, but also a special presentation to one of the club’s honorary members, Lesley Porter.

Lesley received the Paul Harris Fellowship Award, rotary’s highest accolade, presented by District 1010 Governor Jim Hatter, for her work over the years in the club, running competitions for so many local youngsters, and also in helping organise the centenary celebrations.

Past president Yolanda Hilton, in introducing the presentation ceremony, said that Lesley Porter, who had spent many years as depute rector at Beath High, had enjoyed two sessions as president of the club, and had worked hard at encouraging pupils at both Beath and Lochgelly high schools to take part in a whole number of competitions.

These included Writer of the Year, Photographer of the Year and Chef of the Year, all of which encouraged local young people to develop skills that would be of use to them in their future lives.

Jim Hatter congratulated Lesley on achieving the accolade and she responded by saying: “I have enjoyed my years in the club and this award really means so much to me.”

Club president John Gilfillan welcomed everyone to the event, including Alan Condie, the president of Cowdenbeath Rotary Club’s mother club, Dunfermline.

John recalled that over the past 10 years, the Cowdenbeath club had raised the grand total of £101,000 for good causes at home and abroad, and among one of the biggest elements of this excellent fundraising was the ladies day events, organised by former member, Marie Shevas, which helped supporting deserving people in the Cowdenbeath-Lochgelly area.

Dunfermline president, Alan Condie, said that he was truly honoured to be present as the Cowdenbeath club celebrated its 100th birthday.

He added: “I have looked back at the records and within two years of the Dunfermline club being established, it played a strong part in creating both the Cowdenbeath and Stirling rotary clubs, spreading the rotary maxim.

“This is a tremendous occasion, truly worthy of celebrating the 100th birthday.”

The main speaker at the dinner was the chairman of Cowdenbeath Football Club, and one of the Scotland’s top King’s Counsellors, Donald Findlay, who spent 45 minutes telling a catalogue of funny stories, many involving his own experiences.

But he also added: “I am proud to be a Cowdenbeath man, born and bred, and educated at Beath High School, the grandson of a coal miner.

“You should never forget your roots, and I am very pleased to have been invited to take part in this historic occasion.”

Among the other guests at the top table were Rev Zoltan Safrany, minister of St Serf’s Church in Lochgelly and Benarty, who proposed the grace before the meal was served.

The evening was concluded by dancing to the sounds of Swing and Swagger.