PUPPIES, nervous dogs, rescue dogs and animals of all shapes and sizes might soon be able play at a new exercise facility in Central Fife.

Lloyd and Pauline Clemison have asked Fife Council for permission to convert the scrubland field attached to their home near Westfield.

The two fully enclosed fields, which could be used for dog training and free running, would be located adjacent to Capledrae Bungalow.

In a planning application, Mr and Mrs Clemison have proposed operating the fields using an online booking system with hire restricted to one-hour slots for single users to mitigate traffic. 

“The site can provide safe and secure dog walking fields where owners can take their best friend to be free off the lead for a short energetic period of time,” a planning statement said. 

“The exercise fields are suited to providing a safe and secure environment for perhaps nervous dogs who have had bad experiences with other dogs and can no longer socialise safely with others.

"Also, dogs who have a poor recall and cannot be let off lead and relied upon to come back."

According to planning papers, the residential portion of the site will be maintained, and an extensive area of ground changes to provide the dog training and exercise areas as proposed. 

The proposed development would also create a new road access from the B9097 for both the dog fields and the property owner’s home.

It was chosen based on discussions with both the council and transportation.

The proposed opening hours are between 7am and 9.30pm from Monday to Sunday with closing times varying with the seasons. 

Bookings would be facilitated online and access to the field would be granted using an assigned site key code.

“Users of the field will have exclusive use of it during their session so they can relax in the knowledge that their dog is safe,” the planning statement concluded. 

“This allows the dogs to play without being disturbed and interact with their owners.

"The fields shown on plan will be perfect for puppies and rescue dogs, or anyone wishing to train their dog off the lead in an enclosed area.” 

Fife Council will consider the application and make a decision in due course.