CHRISTIANS from Kelty and beyond are bringing together an Outdoor Passion Play today (Easter Monday).

Audience members will be treated to a performance that starts at 7pm in the Community Centre car park.

Based on the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, as told in the four Gospels of the Bible; the play is based on the events of His life during Holy week.

The cast comprises about 25 adults and children in period costumes with the principal character Jesus being played by Adam Billington, a university student who resides in Perth.

Hank John, who has written and is directing the Kelty story, explained that it all starts with Jesus, who claimed to be the promised Messiah being welcomed into the city by crowds who heard His teaching and saw His miracles, but mistakenly thought He had come to deliver them from Roman occupation.

Said Hank: “Meanwhile the Chief Priests, who had authority over the people and enjoyed good favour from the Romans as long as they kept the peace, were very zealous of their position and plotted to get rid of Jesus; being afraid He might rock the boat causing them to lose their status.

“So they sought to have Jesus killed. But how? To get rid of the people's hero would cause a riot and that would be counterproductive. Imagine their elation when one of Jesus' disciples learning of their impasse approached them to hand over his Master and Teacher for a sum of money. To this they agreed.

“Jesus was betrayed, arrested and eventually brought before the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate on false charges, as only he had the authority to give the death sentence. The Priests managed to turn the people against Jesus and succeeded in getting the death sentence by crucifixion. However, the story doesn't end there.

“On the third day the grave was found open and empty. Where was Jesus? Did He rise from death as He said He would? What did the angels say to the women who came to the grave that morning? How does the story end? Come along to Kelty Community Centre on Monday evening!”

Hank believes this is the first time an Outdoor Passion Play has been performed in Kelty and said he's hoping and praying for lovely weather and a good turn out.

"Everyone has been working very hard to bring the best of this exciting and true story of Jesus of Nazareth," he said.

“There is a choir of over 15 ladies and other musical items which lifts the story and the imagination. I promise a blessed time."