IT might be dubbed 'laughing gas' but the effects of inhaling the contents of these small canisters can be seriously damaging to your health.

These sort of canisters have been seen in Ballingry and Lochgelly and there have been a number found in the Kirkcaldy area and Levenmouth.

A post on the Benarty Matters Facebook page stated: "I am sharing this because I saw canisters like these in the car park at St Kenneth's Primary School, in Hill Road, last week. So it's just a heads up that they might be circulating in this area."

The item that the lady was sharing was from Blackpool Police, which had some alarming information: "Some people are under the presumption that this is just Laughing gas. This drug is NO laughing matter and Nitrous Oxide is a very dangerous colourless gas that can be extremely dangerous when inhaled directly from the canister. If you choose to take nitrous oxide you pose the risk of falling unconscious and/or suffocating from lack of oxygen.

"It is classed as a psychoactive drug and it may be possible to become psychologically dependent on this drug. Several of these empty nitrous oxide gas canisters are found in your local communities, discarded in parks and at the road side. If you know of anyone that may be using nitrous oxide please educate them and encourage them to stop immediately. You may just be a life saver! Thanks, Blackpool Police".

The Fife Safer Communities Team reported this week that they have had reports of discarded canisters in Kirkcaldy, Leven,Glenrothes, Lochgelly, Ballingry, Buckhaven and Markinch.

The Cowdenbeath Community Police Team will strongly investigate any intelligence they receive on the supply of this substance.