A PROPOSAL to put in place greater support for every child or young person with an impairment or long term health condition to transitioning into adulthood, has been tabled in the Scottish Parliament and has the full support of Fife MSP Alex Rowley who says many hundreds of families across the Kingdom will benefit.

Mr Rowley said: “I am supporting new legislation that would give a right to a Transitions Plan to every child or young person with an impairment or long term health condition. Support with transitions would then remain in place until no longer needed, or the young person’s 26th birthday.

“My experience is that many families across Fife have found the level of support for a child just stops when they move into adulthood and this leaves massive pressure on the individual and their families.

"This bill seeks to address this and is why I think it would be a good thing for families across Fife and Scotland in general”.

The Bill would also require the Scottish Government to introduce a national transitions strategy to improve outcomes for children and young people with a disability in the transition to adulthood, and require the Scottish Government to appoint a Minister with special responsibility for transitions.

The Labour MSP went on to say: “I know this has been an issue for so many families over the years and this Bill will address the major shortfalls in supporting the transition from child to adulthood that currently exist.

"This proposal would require local authorities to introduce a transitions plan to ensure each child and young person with a disability receives appropriate care and support before, and during, the transition to adulthood; and for connected purposes.

"It is in my experience long overdue and I hope all MSPs will be willing to give their support”.