SCOTTISH Conservative Mid-Scotland and Fife MSP, Alexander Stewart joined with fellow MSPs and Cowdenbeath councillor Darren Watt for to raise awareness of World Diabetes Day in the Garden Lobby at the Scottish Parliament.

Shadow Minister for Local Government, Mr Stewart said: “I was delighted to have joined with Cllr Darren Watt at this excellent Diabetes Scotland event at the Scottish Parliament.

"World Diabetes Day on was conceived to highlight the fact that over 300,000 people in Scotland are living with diabetes.

"Seven out of ten people not only in Fife but across Scotland as a whole also feel overwhelmed by the condition, yet three quarters of people who sought specialist support could not access it.

"Diabetes Scotland is campaigning for more consistent and high quality emotional and mental health support to be integrated within diabetes care; a campaign which I very much support.”

Councillor Watt said that it was a condition that was continuing to increase and the right support had to be available for those suffering from it.