FIFE charities have slammed the UK Government’s ‘disgraceful’ response to concerns raised about the impact of Universal Credit (UC)

A dozen charities joined Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath MP, Lesley Laird, to invite Amber Rudd, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (DWP,) to Fife to discuss Universal Credit but she passed the request to Alok Sharma MP.

The Minister of Employment declined to visit but issued a written reply to a list of concerns, including a 65 per cent rise in food bank use across the Kingdom since the roll out of UC.

Mr Sharma wrote: “Food banks represent an impressive response by civil society and faith groups to support vulnerable people, and the reasons for people using food banks are complex.”

Joyce Leggate, chairperson of Kirkcaldy Food Bank, commented: “I think this is a typical political non-answer and the sentence on food banks is downright insulting."

Mr Sharma denied that the DWP was unable to “speedily” process rent being paid directly to landlords in Universal Credit cases.

He did, however, state that he was aware of “feedback in terms of the payment scheduling” and was reviewing this.

Maureen Closs, People’s Assembly Fife, branded that reply a “disgrace”.

“We know first-hand how much people suffer under the Universal Credit system,” she commented.

“A man sanctioned for a month for turning up just two minutes late for an appointment is just one of many, many examples.

“People who instruct the DWP to pay landlords direct find themselves with massive rent arrears because the DWP's computer system doesn't work. Ironically these tenants are hit by 20 per cent deductions in benefits often for £1,200 rent arrears that shouldn’t exist, and left with £50 a week to live on.

“This system is bringing people to their knees, without a doubt.”

Lesley Laird has accepted Mr Sharma’s invitation to meet him in Westminster.

She said: “It’s disappointing that Amber Rudd didn’t take up our invitation to Fife. After all, she admitted earlier this year that Universal Credit was contributing to a rise in food banks and may have listened to our concerns.

“Instead Alok Sharma’s tone-deaf response strongly indicates this Government is wilfully standing by a system which it knows doesn’t work.

“I’ll be forcefully pointing out to Mr Sharma that this Government should be ashamed of the fact that charities – which have become a de facto welfare state - are being brought to breaking point as they try and cope with demand.

“This cruel and callous Government needs to recognise the damage its policies are having, especially on children, and do something to change it - now.”

Ms Rudd has repeatedly said that aspects of Universal Credit needs improvement and that moves are being made to introduce these but this has been slow in happening.