THE pricing and quality of school meals at the area's two secondary schools will come under the microscope, following a decision by councillors on Wednesday.

Cowdenbeath Area Committee heard how the quality of the meals at Lochgelly High were 'patchy' from two pupils who made a plea that the school meals at Beath and Lochgelly Highs be investigated.

Youth member of the Area Committee, Bailey-Lee Robb, and Emma Devine, pupils at LHS, made their plea to councillors with Emma stating: "The quality really varies on what is on the menu.

"When there is macaroni or curry or fish the quality is good but when it is some other meal it can be pretty poor.

"It is something which is really difficult for the pupils, many of who are relying on that as their main meal of the day."

Bailey-Lee, who is also the Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament for Cowdenbeath, added: "At Lochgelly High the quality of some of the dishes have deteriorated such as pizzas, which used to be good but then became completely different in texture and did not taste so good.

"As Emma said there are meals that are really good and it really leads to a patchy make up each week, of maybe three days the meals are good and two of the days not so good.

"May I say that this is nothing to do with the kitchen staff, it is the quality of some of the dishes brought in.

"The other issue is the pricing is a bit high for what is being served."

After the duo had finished their address the following motion went before the committee: "Cowdenbeath Area Committee welcomes the deputation from the school pupils on their dismay regarding the quality and price of school meals in local schools.

"Committee therefore agrees to request relevant officers from education and children's services and facility management services to investigate these issues as a matter of importance. This investigation is to include young people from the outset with a specific focus on the pricing and quality of food. Officers will prepare and submit a report for the October meeting of the Area Committee".

The motion was proposed by Bailey-Lee and seconded by Councillor Mary Lockhart, who said: "This is such an important issue for we have to remember that for some children their school meal is a very important part of the day.

"Some children, unfortunately, have to rely on their school dinner to be a main meal of the day so it is important that the quality is good and the pricing is right.

"As a local authority we have to up our game on the school dinner issue."

Councillor Lea McLelland said that levels of poverty in the area played a part in the whole situation and she hoped that the investigation would come up with answers while Councillors Alistair Bain and Alex Campbell agreed that consistency of quality was so important.

Committee convener Councillor Linda Erskine, said: "There should be a full review of school dinners.

"We need to be confident that children going to school are getting meals at lunchtime that can sustain them until their evening meal.

"It concerns me that I believe that we are bringing supplies in from outside Fife for school meals when we have top quality suppliers here in the Kingdom."

The committee voted unanimously to back the motion.