THE first stage in Cardenden becoming a Dementia Friendly Village took place on Monday night.

There was a tremendous turn out at the Corrie Centre for the first of several Dementia Friendly Awareness Training Sessions which will be rolled out thoughout the Lochgelly, Cardenden and Benarty Ward 8 communities, over the coming months.

Hosted by Ruth McCabe, from Fife Council Fife Health and Social Care Partnership, the event saw people from all sections of the community eagerly prepared to find out more about the condition and how you can assist people with dementia.

Ruth, in conjunction with Alzheimer Scotland, is rolling out the training over Fife.

Ward 8 councillor, Rosemary Liewald, was involved in the event and said: "I am delighted to say that the representation from all areas of Cardenden attended to hear the vital information that is this Dementia Awareness Training.

"The course that Ruth presented has been designed as an introduction to dementia, so that carers and our community can learn more about the subject and feel more confident about discussing the condition and caring for someone with it. "The course covers all aspects of dementia, including the symptoms to look out for, information on how dementia is diagnosed and tips on how we, in our everyday lives, can cope and make life easier for anyone living with the condition, including adaptations you can make to the person’s home and lifestyle in order to make everyday living easier.

"There was representation this evening from, members of the Cardenden Community Shop, Ore Valley Housing Association, the local Barbers, Funeral Service, Community Forum, Local History Group, Community Council, local Primary School and Scout Group, Parent Council, Swimming Club, Kingdom Housing Association and local residents who are particularly keen to learn more".

One of those who attended was Dave Roy, chair of Cardenden Community Council, who has said that after discussion with the wider Community Council, the organisation fully support this initiative.

Dave said: "We would hope that all local businesses take on the training for their staff including adaptations and signage within their premises.

"It would be great to see Cardenden become a fully recognised Dementia Friendly Village".

Councillor Liewald added: "Many thanks once again must go to Ruth for her tireless work, it was well received by all who attended".

The next session will take place at the Lochgelly Centre on Monday March 25.