Central Fife Times - Memorials

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Death Notice

Rita Smith

Published on 29/02/2024

SMITH Rita Peacefully, at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, on Wednesday the 14th February 2024, Rita Smith, aged 80 years, of Cowdenbeath, formerly Hill Of Beath. Beloved wife of the late Len, loving mum to Gary, cherished mother-in-law of Lorraine, doting gran to Barry and Susan, great-gran to Calvin, much loved sister of Lizzie, John, Vena and Una, a dear cousin, a very good friend to Margaret, Linda, Edith, Margo and many others. Funeral service will take place at Dunfermline Crematorium on Friday 8th March at 11.30am, to which all relatives and friends are respectfully invited. Family flowers only please, however, donations, if so desired, can be made on leaving the crematorium in aid of The British Lung Foundation (COPD).


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