I NOTICED in your columns a story which came from the Central Fife Community Safety Panel about the travellers being expected to live within the law.

The travellers who were in Cowdenbeath and Hill of Beath could hardly be described as living within the law with the amount of rubbish they were leaving strewn in both communities.

The thing is that if the person in the street drops litter they are liable to an instant fine.

But we have seen these people leave all sorts of rubbish in very public places including huge gas cyclinders. That I would say is not living within the law. Yes if these people made every effort to work with communities and cause as little disruption as possible people would have a lot more time and respect for them.

The problem is that far too many of them just thumb their noses at the police and the public and disappear leaving havoc so it is no real surprise that they are not welcomed.