CAN anyone help me solve the mystery of Cowdenbeath’s Sonic Boom? eight minutes to four pm on Monday 22nd June a loud explosion was experienced in the Blackburn Drive/Farm Road area that startled residents and was investigated by Police Scotland at the behest of myself who was in the garden at the time of the incident.

The ‘explosion’ was preceded by a strange roaring sound that was reported by me and confirmed by Police Officers conducting ‘door to door’ enquiries.

The roaring was brief and sounded like an ‘escape of pressure.’ Police Scotland said they would inform me of any results of their enquiries, but so far have failed to get back to me.

Can any reader supply any information regarding this Mystery. Scottish Power arrived at the Blackburn Drive Substation the following day................Could this have been the source of the strange occurrence?

DONALD McARTHUR, Cowdenbeath