When will this all end? It is almost a year since I warned about the rise of Islamic State.

Now, British MPs are clamouring for more military action against them as Isil sunk to new depths of depravity, burning a hostage to death in a cage, a young airman, who was following orders, and whom Jordan indicated that they would negotiate for.

In the 1930s world leaders stood by and did nothing, during the rise of Hitler, the Nazi party and the ‘Third Reich’, until almost too late, in which time millions died.

Its happening again! If Isil supporters here still support them after this latest outrage, then they are no better, and should be rooted out, and dealt with accordingly.

In the case of those who go out to fight for them, the solution is simple - don’t let them back.

If they try, confiscate their passports and return them by military transport.

The leader of the coalition, President Obama, is dithering and quoted on TV saying he doesn’t know who the enemy is! Someone draw him a picture!

Russia is not the real threat, they will back down, as they have before. Remember Cuba, Kruschev, and the missile crisis?

I believe Obama is a good man, but who is he listening to? The CIA, who are responsible for half the trouble in the world? Thousands are being murdered in the name of Islam, and Islamaphobia is becoming rife in Germany, France and other places. These two trying to broker a peace deal in the Ukraine? I’ll do the jokes!

Ordinary Muslims are being made to choose sides, as they are being victimised. I see Isil’s top murderer (I will not dignify him with the title of executioner) is bragging that he will fight anyone, mano a mano, to the death.

This from a man hiding in a mask in Syria, whose chief claim to fame is beheading helpless, bound, and kneeling civilians, or the new trend of burning them alive in a cage.

He is a British National, who probably comes home for holidays, unless the Government know who he is. His family almost certainly do.

Jihad John, I, and a lot of other people would love to take up your offer! Did you know they sold tickets for the burning? That’s how depraved they are.

They could sell tickets for the following as well. Isil is always bragging about their money. Pay my, or someone like me’s, fare, first class, return, to say ‘neutral’ Turkey, and let battle commence, winner take all!, on three conditions. When he is dead, no retribution, no criminal charges, and his identity revealed, to forever shame his family here.

I am 71 years-old, but on the plus side, I am a seventh degree black belt, master of martial arts, in karate, judo and ju jitsu.

I’m also an ex-soldier. How about it JJ, put Isil’s money where your big mouth is.

It will be a novelty, ‘fighting’ someone who is not tied up.

BILL BISHOP, Ballingry.