I WAS really interested in the articles that appeared in the Times about the Greenpower Grand Prix at Cowdenbeath Racewall.

It really was amazing to learn about youngsters assembling their own electrically powered racing cars and then taking them on to the stock car track.

I noticed that the BRAG lady who has been involved in their F24 project was involved in organising it and she really has made a big impact on youngsters in this area taking an interest in building their own cars and racing them.

To see primary school kids building the cars and then racing them must have been a real boost for the people who have brought Greenpower to Fife and it was even better to see several local schools do really well and win trophies.

The big thing though is the impact this activity will have in giving the kids ideas about engineering and how it could be the future for them.

The F24 and Greenpower activities give the youngsters hands-on experience on how basic engineering techniques can work and getting the cars to operate will give them a big kick I bet.

Then getting to race them will be the complete icing on the cake and people must remember that the F24 team at BRAG ended up in the United States last year racing and getting the chance to visit America.

So hopefully this Greenpower project will continue in this area and the children will continue to get a real hands-on chance to experience engineering.

