WITH reference to my last letter in the Times on the issue of a new Health Centre for Kelty, I am now reliably informed that Fife Council has no minuted commitment to such a provision, though I am certain that the council as a whole would support the principal should the opportunity present itself.

The Scottish Government advise me that the provision of Health Services is the responsibility of NHS Health Boards and therefore detailed planning in relation to Health Services is carried out by each Health Board in its respective area.

Where Health Boards wish to invest in new or redeveloped hospitals, health centres etc, they will submit a business case to the Scottish Government.

Certain projects, I am advised, are delivered in partnership, with local councils, other public bodies and private sector organisations through five regional hub companies established by the Scottish Futures Trust.

This can result in reduced costs and economies of scale through joint service delivery.

Over the next three years the Scottis NHS is planning to invest over £1.2b maintaining and improving the NHS estate.

Over the past eight years, representative bodies in Kelty have lobbied the various ‘powers that be’ seeking a commitment to build a new Health Centre for all Kelty residents and who can say ‘No’ to that long established call for a just provision?


Lawrence Street,
