I AM told Cllr Mark Hood recently posted on his Facebook page the announcement that the Lochgelly Public Park Improvement Group (PPIG) has decided to put £50k of their funds towards a new children's play area in the public park with the intention that this will attract more funding from external bodies and will allow design and consultation to start.

He illustrated his post with an image of a wonderful three-story play structure, which people commenting on his post got quite excited about as the kind of thing Lochgelly would be getting.

Cllr Hood did not make clear that the image was there purely as decoration. In fact any promises emanating from Cllr Hood should come with a health warning in flashing neon.

We've had promises of match funding before as well as promises of public consultation and involving the community in the design of facilities - and then these come to nought. This is exactly what happened over the Meedies visitor centre which is why an ugly substandard centre which the communities didn't want is now being foisted on them.

We've also had new play facilities needed and promised at Lochgelly for years - a 2009 audit of green spaces presented to the Cowdenbeath Area Committee was highly critical and recommended comprehensive upgrades including play facilities for all ages and a masterplan consultation. A report on the schedule of improvements to the park presented by Cllr Hood in 2014 just had a question mark beside a new play park.

If the PPIG had £50k for a new playpark, why didn't they get on with it long ago? And why did they spend thousands on repainting the current facilities which children don't like and have been avoiding for years?

As ever, both Cllr Hood and the PPIG remain woefully out of touch with the local community and their needs, however, many press releases they issue asserting the contrary. I still see precious few more people using the Public Park than before and PPIG continues to fail to involve other community groups in their activities.