WEE Emma Beggs is the second brave Lochgelly youngster to face a serious health issue within the past few months.

The one year-old is going to have to go to the USA for treatment and it is brilliant that the people of the town are rallying around the family to offer support.

The baby has been diagnosed with an Atypical, Teratoid, Rhabdoid, Tumour but she is not letting it get her down.

She is a perky wee lass and with the Spirit of Lochgelly community group in her corner Emma and her family have every chance of being able to fight this difficult condition with some great public backing.

Hopefully as things develop the family will find the Lochgelly public ready to back Emma all the way and she will be given every chance of beating the condition.

Little Ava Stark is currently recovering from her stem cell transplant and the three year-old has enjoyed the support of the local public also from people all over the UK.

These youngsters deserve the support they have received and hopefully, as the year develops, they will both continue their strong recovery.