ON Friday December 15, Ms Claire Wyatt, Acting Head Teacher of Crossgates Primary School, invited seven pupils from Beath to take part in the school’s assembly. 

S5 Pupil Alice Fox writes: "The pupils, Michael King, Victoria Warnock (S6), Alice Fox, Heather Johnston, Taylor Stuart, Hannah Travers (S5) and Emma Johnston (S4) are all ex-Crossgates and are all involved in the Beath Malawi Partnership Charity which the Primary School supported during their inaugural trip to Malawi in October 2016.

"Crossgates PS provided a generous quantity of jotters for their peers in Mapanga and Njale Primary Schools which are part of our partnership. 

"Michael and Victoria were two of the twenty-three strong party who went on this trip whilst the remaining pupils from Beath are all signed up to go on the next trip in October 2018.

"The pupils delivered a presentation to the youngsters and then answered a whole host of interesting and very varied questions.

"It was a lovely opportunity for those from Beath to thank Crossgates staff and pupils for their support of the Partnership, both past and continuing."