SAFER Internet Day 2015 was celebrated globally last week and local schools were very much involved.

The slogan is ‘Let’s create a better internet together’, with a variety of activities across Fife to raise awareness of online safety.

Co-ordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

Eight Kingdom primary schools and one secondary school volunteered to support the occasion using the UK Safer Internet Centre education packs to develop their lesson plans and activities for the day.

Indeed, Kinglassie Primary School had a two day programme running on the 9th and 10th February dedicated to safer internet activities including resources from ThinkuKnow, KidSmart and SID2015, with A whole school assembly on Tuesday 10th so parents could find out what the children had been learning; Primary 7s involved with Education Scotland trialling ‘Glow Learning Spaces’, using Glow, Education’s secure online resource to support online learning.

Beath High School S1 and S2 pupils had scheduled talks using the UK Safer Internet Centre education packs on the 10th and Fife Community Safety Partnership contributed to a special assembly to reinforce the online safety messages.

Inputs have also been arranged at Denend Primary School on 25th February to speak to P5 – P7.

Inputs using Go Safe Scotland to the younger classes P1 – P4 will be rolled out by teaching staff at Denend.

Police Scotland and Trading Standards will be promoting SID 2015 to Fife’s Elderly Forum throughout spring and talking through ‘Ellie’s Story’ which focuses on the issue around scam mail and how it heightens isolation on those already vulnerable.