I ALWAYS thought that this was a large geological fault which bisected the Scottish Highlands but now I realise that this rift actually bisects Central Fife politically.

The most astounding story of the week a couple of weeks ago, which merited a half page in the Times, would support this theory.

We are asked to believe that the 'Murky Waters' website is under constant attack from gangs of evil villains out to destroy them (probably the same people wiretapping Trump Tower no doubt).

Unfortunately for them Fife Ferret monthly has probably more subscribers and the local worthies (aka proud volunteers) are more well known for all night video gaming than gallantly defending their proud website.

Anyone who knows the manner in which this site actually operates avoids it. To contradict their views results in immediate exclusion and blocking from their site (so much for free speech).

If you have disagreed with them publicly you become an immediate target through their use of the most demeaning and false smear tactics.

To believe that Google actually 'invited' them to join Shield (not The Avengers' one) think again. This is a free service which is available to any small news service on application.

They now have a new political champion in The Great Glen who will ride his magic steed to save us poor voters from another four years of good local authority governance.

