CITIZENS Advice research as revealed 1 in 4 (28%) of people were initially turned away by retailers when they tried to get a repair, replacement or refund, despite the retailer having a responsibility to offer a solution.

The survey also showed that persistence paid off, with 61% of those who were turned away eventually getting some form of solution from the retailer.

This year’s National Consumer Week encouraged people to get #SwitchedOn to their consumer rights and shop with confidence.

The campaign is run by Citizens Advice, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

It is hoped that focusing consumers’ minds during the busy Christmas period will help them to understand their rights which they can exercise all year round.

Dawn Adamson, Service Manager, explained: “Trading Standards in Fife are supporting this year’s campaign. It also aims to help businesses understand their responsibilities and ensure they don’t fall foul of the law.

“Taking a responsible and proactive approach can help avoid difficulties further down the line, which is better for the business and the customer.

“Nobody wants to give or receive a defective product but it is important to know how to resolve any issues should they arise.”