RECORDED crime in Fife has fallen, according to the latest figures published on Monday by Police Scotland.

The end of year (2015/16) management information shows a reduction of 5.3% in overall crime recorded in Groups 1-5, which equates to over 750 fewer victims of crime.

Significant drops have been recorded in a number of key crime categories –* A 10.3% reduction in crimes of dishonesty (Group 3)* This includes a 22% reduction in housebreaking. * And a 14% fall in the number of motor vehicle crimes

Superintendent Dougie Milton said: “This reduction in crime is testament to the hard work of officers and our partners in Fife, in keeping the Kingdom a safe place in which to live in, work in and visit. Whilst fewer crimes have been committed, we are still detecting a significant number, over 60%, and we are continuing to use our resources to tackle those issues where further improvement is needed and where communities raise concerns.

“Last autumn we saw a rise in dishonesty related offences – things like housebreakings, car thefts, crimes which are particularly hard hitting emotionally and financially where victims feel their personal space, where they should feel safest, has been invaded. We took a co-ordinated approach using local Community Ward Officers to deliver crime prevention alongside CID robustly investigating the offences, and as a result a male was identified as being responsible for 42 offences and a number of stolen vehicles were recovered."

He added: “This is the model we will continue to use across the Division, whether it is with Rural Watch schemes in our villages or dedicated patrols by the Licensing and Violence Reduction team in our town centres, to deal with alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour. By putting resources into these key areas we can intervene early on with a view to preventing crimes from occurring, and where they do happen we will follow up with a strong investigation to put offenders before the courts.”

One particular area of focus moving into the 2016/17 year is violence, with Group 1 crimes showing an increase, and only a small reduction in Group 2 (sexual offences). Supt Milton continued: “In February this year we created a Violence Reduction Group, allowing us to review our tactics, share best practice and make a difference within this crime category. We have used both local and national teams to carry out days of action and have been able to focus on locations where violence is recurring.

“We are also prioritising those areas where our communities, through our consultation process and feedback from partners, want us to focus. All of the local policing plans across Fife identify road safety as a main concern, and by focussing on speeding and dangerous driving we’ve seen detections for these offences rise by 13% and 37% respectively, plus a reduction in road deaths by a third. Drivers can expect to see Pop-Up Bob and Community Speed Watch teams alongside our Divisional Road Policing officers continuing to keep our roads safe."