THE Crossgates Greenfingers Group's hard working volunteers were over the moon with the results of the Beautiful Fife Awards.

The village earned gold status which delighted the Group but they also earned a silver in the Beautiful Scotland awards.

Crossgates Green Fingers Group - consists of around 12 volunteers who maintain flowers and tubs and the community garden and also hold the Xmas event which is a big night in the village.

The group achieved the silver award in the Beautiful Scotland scheme (it's their first year applying), and the Gold award in Beautiful Fife competition which really delighted the volunteers as can be seen with some of them celebrating the success on Wednesday .

Liz Beattie, the Greenfingers' chair, and the grou,p have been applying every year ??and have gradually moved through the ranks to this year achieving GOLD status with the judges clearly being impressed with the results of their work.

Liz said, "Everyone is delighted and already making plans for next year as we definitely don't want to lose this award.

"We are keeping a tight hold of it - a big thanks to all of our volunteers - and as always we welcome new people to join us - there's no big commitment just an odd hour here and there".

She added, "Next year we hope to work on planting pollinators in the village and will be working with Wilma Gowans, from the primary school on a Bee project - a bee rockery and a bee scarecrow competition".

The Greenfingers volunteers are always delighted to welcome the school's kids into their projects.

Colin Davidson, of Fife Council's Parks and Open Spaces section said these were accolades that were fully deserved.

"The Greenfingers Group are an amazing band of people who do an amazing job in enhancing the look of the village of Crossgates," said Colin.

"Our team enjoys working with them and it is a really good partnership."