EINBURGH'S King’s Theatre housed the musical version of the famous film “The Wedding Singer.” and it impressed our theatre critic Kerry Black.

While the film presented a whole jukebox of well known 80s pop songs, the musical has an original score of dazzling numbers-all bigger and crazier than an 80s perm!

With a book by Tom Herlihy, who wrote the original Adam Sandler script; music by Matthew Sklar of Elf fame and Book and Lyrics by Chad Beguelin, who also wrote for Disney’s Aladdin, you are guaranteed a real treat with this show.

Jon Robyns made a brilliantly endearing Robbie Hart, the eponymous Wedding Singer, who is dumped at the altar by his girlfriend Linda (Tara Verloop, or was that Cher?) who hilariously pops out their wedding cake to give her version of events! Robbie is aided and abetted by his bandmates Sammy (Ashley Emerson) and the scene stealing George (Samuel Holmes), who must surely have worn every 80s fashion known to mankind!

Robbie meets the lovely Julia (touchingly played by Cassie Compton), however, she is already engaged to Gordon Gekko’s long lost brother the odiously sleazy Glen (Ray Quinn). It is brilliant to see someone on stage who can dance as well as he can sing in his money grabbing extravaganza-”All About The Green”

One of the major strengths of this show lies in the power of the supporting cast. Stephanie Clift as Holly, Julia’s ditsy pal, who dreams of marrying a rich guy was fab – and yes, I had THAT perm in the 80s too! Special mention must go to Mark Pearce, who played everything from a booze sodden best man, to Ronald Reagan via a drunken backwoodsman!

In a show which celebrates all things 80s, from the overhead screen showing 80s classic movies, such as Weird Science and The Goonies, to lines from famous lyrics, it was only right that a true 80s icon, the vivacious Ruth Madoc (of Hi De Hi fame), should cartwheel onstage at Robbie’s shell suit wearing groovy granny! My favourite number had to be “Single” featuring the male cast.